Wednesday, May 14, 2008


Hi all -

Here's a little background for those who don't know me very well.

I was unemployed for close to two years and received a job offer in Davenport, Iowa. Now, having lived all but two years of my life in Southern California - this seemed like an interesting proposition. (The two years I didn't live in California, I lived in Tempe, Arizona - get the picture?). We were getting very tired of the whole So Cal scene (if you can believe that) - with the traffic, politics, prices and many of the other things that were not weather related. Not to mention the Santa Ana winds that were weather related. My brother can relate - but that's another story.

So, trusting God and his wisdom of a great job offer - we packed everything, took my mom and dogs and moved to Davenport Iowa! Yes - I said Iowa. Sometimes I have to remind myself. Technically - we still live west of the Mississippi - more on that later. I intend to give a little insight and perspective to living in the Midwest for the first time with this blog. There will be lots of pictures and hopefully, a fresh view of what the Midwest has to offer. So welcome and have fun. I know that I am having fun here.


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